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Single family home for rent

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House/Condo/Apartment for Rent by Owner  WYLIE   View Other Classifieds    Do you own a Home Based Business? If yes, advertise your business. Just add it as a classified.   

Single family home for rent 
Name: Sandeep Amaradhi
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Location: WYLIE , TX
Phone: 475-619-1657
Category: House/Condo/Apartment for Rent by Owner
Expire Date: 9/16/2024
Ad Details: Single family house for rent with 4 bed 3 bath is available now, upon confirmation will vacate in 4 to 5 days because I need to move to Nashville. Please reach me on my mobile who ever is interested 475-619-1657 or 203-550-5690. Price is 3600 for 3600 sft house.

All school ratings are 8plus with perfect vaastu

Address : 1442 Stellar truth way, wylie ,Texas ,75098

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Beware of Scammers: Do not accept any personal check. It has come to our notice that some scammers will give personal check and then that check will bounce in few days. Do not list your email or phone number in the body of the classified.

Disclaimer: We are not responsible and liable for the validity of this classified. It is your responsibility to validate the claims made in this classified.  Please use your own discretion when meeting or conducting a transaction based on this classified.  There is a lot of scam on internet. Please beware of doing any transactions by personal check or cash or money transfer for buying or selling unless you have verified all the credentials of the user you are transacting with. We are not liable for any damages.

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